Not every project is accepted, because it depends on many different factors such as: investor reputation, current time, benefits from the project to society... the reason that state management units always apply the appraisal of investment project value to see if this project has any problems that need to be solved and can be implemented.


Appraisal means the examination and assessment by investment deciders, investors, and construction specialized agencies of necessary contents in the process of preparing and implementing construction investment projects as a basis for construction investment projects. department for review and approval.

Appraisal of investment projects is the objective, scientific and comprehensive research and analysis of all economic and technical contents of the project. Put them in correlation with the natural and socio-economic environment to decide on investment and capital financing for the project.

Preparation and appraisal of investment projects to solve the following tasks:

- Review the entire content of the project that has been prepared is complete or not.

- Compare the projects criteria with the standards expected by investors.

- Concluding whether this project is invested or not, is it beneficial or not.


The valuation of real estate investment projects is to determine the real value of that project on the basis of comparison with acceptance standards, or with other alternative projects. The true value of a project is expressed through: legality, rationality, practicality and efficiency. Therefore, the appraisal of investment project values ​​helps state agencies to determine.

- The compatibility between the projects goals and the strategic socio-economic development goals of the local, national or the investor has determined.

- Is the projects technology and technology suitable to the level and requirements of the industry during the project implementation period?

- Financial capacity, supply with inputs, ability and management level to operate the equipment of the investor.

- The role of the investment project and the benefits that the project brings to the investor and to the country. At the same time, ensure the safety of people and other activities in the project area.

Appraise the value of investment projects in accordance with Vietnams valuation standards as a basis for reviewing and approving such investment projects to see if the project is feasible and brings benefits to society. Assess the source and magnitude of the risks, as well as how to minimize the risk.


The implementation of valuation activities serves important tasks of enterprises today such as:

- Negotiate transfer and capital contribution to joint venture.

- To serve the purpose of equitization of State enterprises.

- To serve the purposes of state management of localities.

- Serving the purpose of proving the financial capacity of organizations and individuals.

- Other purposes

Appraisal of investment projects is a mandatory requirement for any investor before investing capital. This process will examine, review, and comprehensively evaluate the contents affecting the economic, social efficiency and feasibility of the project. Thereby helping investors decide whether to invest in this project or not.

Indochina International Appraisal & Investment Joint Stock Company (INA) - SunValue operates with many years of experience in the field of valuation with an abundant data warehouse, a team of professional and qualified appraisers. high level, fast and strict appraisal process, minimizing appraisal costs ... provide comprehensive solutions for each appraisal purpose, services include:

  • Real Estate Appraisal – SunReal (Townhouses, land, factories, ...)
  • Movables Appraisal – SunMovables (Machinery and equipment, production lines, means of transport, ...)
  • Business appraisal – SunAsset (Purchase, joint venture, equitization, ...)
  • Investment Project Valuation – SunInvest
  • Resource Assessment – ​​SunResources
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