It can be said that the dream of settling in a foreign country to enjoy a full life with family and children to have access to a developed education is the desire of many people. One of the factors that determines whether the application for going abroad is eligible and convenient is financial proof.

Financial proof is proving to the embassy and consulate of the country you need to see that you have enough financial capacity to carry out the purpose of going to their country as stated in the dossier. It is an association that binds you to live in an official, legal way that is accepted by the government of the host country.

Why do I have to prove my finances when I live abroad?

Every country in the world, especially developed countries such as the US, Australia, Canada, European countries... problems of illegal immigration, residence, and work always make the government difficult in manage. Therefore, when any citizen wants to enter their country, they must prove their finances. This financial proof is also the basis for determining whether the citizen is going for the right purpose as declared in the dossier or not.

Assets used to prove finance when settling abroad

Financial records will show your monthly, quarterly, and annual income. It is also an accumulation source to form finance when settling down, usually real estate, movables, savings books, payroll, shares, shares, business capital contribution.... Prove to be the owner own business, private company, individual business household. In addition, you can demonstrate finance from property rental activities, income from agriculture, forestry, fishery...

The higher the proof of income, the more beautiful and persuasive your profile will be.

Therefore, it is essential to prove financial when settling abroad.

Property valuation company proving financial settlement

Indochina International Appraisal & Investment Joint Stock Company (INA) with many years of experience in the field of appraisal with abundant data warehouse, a team of professional appraisal experts, highly qualified, process appraisal fast, closely, minimize appraisal costs... Besides, INAs SUNVALUE service will provide customers with information about the value of the business with high reliability, serving the purposes proof of finance, proof of assets to study abroad for settlement, purchase, sale, merger, transfer, mortgage, bank loans, serving court work, litigation,....

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