Field of operation


  1. Valuation:
  • Valuation of Real Estate: Land, House, Villas, Apartments, Offices, Supermarket, Trade Centers, Business Establishments, Workshops, etc.
  • Valuation of Movables: Machinery & Equipment, Production Line, Means of transportation, etc.
  • Valuation of Investment Projects: Industrial Park , Building, Office, Resort, etc.
  • Valuation of Enterprises: Intellectual Property Rights, Brand Name, Intangible Asset, Valuation of Financial Assets (Valuable Items), etc.
  • Valuation of Resources: Minerals, Forests, Mines, etc.
  1. Real Estate Market Research Consultancy.
  2.  Investment Consultancy and Real Estate Brokerage.
  3. Property Auction Services.
  4. Training: Appraisal, Real Estate.


  1. Direct comparision approach
  2. Cost depreciation approach
  3. Investment approach
  • Traditional investment approach
  • Discount cash flow technique
  1. Surplus approach
  2. Profitable approach and other approaches


  1. Purchasing and selling
  2. Bank loans
  3. Joint venture capital contribution
  4. Enterprise equitization and establishing enterprises
  5. Dealing of debt, dissolving enterprise
  6. Compensation, insurance, disputing
  7. Taxation, accounting
  8. Investment projects consulting and planning
  9. Proof of assets abroad, tourist

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