Peoples demand to buy real estate for living and business is very large, but to ensure the safety of transactions, real estate buyers need to understand the specific processes and a few tips to make the sale and purchase take place out favorable.

Normally, for a house or land product, if buyers find out and proceed to the transaction, they should pay attention to the following points:

Houses and residences

Is the land in the area of ​​planning or clearance; see the specific topography of the land. Does the land have a red book, if not, the land document must be noted with the following points: land use purpose (residential or land cultivation); land use term: if vacant, usually unrestricted, if there is a specified number of years (eg 20 years), is land borrowed from the State (after 20 years the State has the right to take it back), or if the land located in the area of ​​clearance or planning, compensation is not paid or compensation is very low.

Other real estate products

Townhouses: must see the house and land drawings and photocopy a set of papers of the house, then go to the urban management office to check the current status as well as the planning on the drawings; houses and land that have been repaired or changed architecture, if any, must be accompanied by a valid construction permit; Is the house located in the planning area, landmarks? (should go to ward Peoples Committee to verify information); house wall is a common wall or a private wall; electricity, water, public or private; Is the house located in a height-restricted construction zone?

House in the alley: it is necessary to determine whether the entrance to the house is common or private (if it is common, when buying a house, there must be a specific contract on the common path, or separating the land to make a separate entrance); In addition, it should be noted whether the house is located in an area or is flooded during heavy rain and high tide.

Buying land for new construction: it is necessary to find out if the land has a certificate of use right or not; has the land changed its use purpose; residential land or agricultural land; if it is inherited land, is the common property of many people, before making a deposit, all co-heirs must sign a written agreement to sell the land, if the seller is married, all family members must sign (wife, husband and children over 18 years old); it is necessary to ask the ward Peoples Committee to verify whether the land plot is in the planning or in dispute; before making a deposit, making a contract, ask the owner to specify a clear boundary with the adjacent land plots, to avoid future disputes; if buying a part of land in a large land plot, owned by one person, must pay attention to the regulations on the minimum area limit when separating the parcel from residential and agricultural land in the local area; Find out the cost of splitting the plot, borne by the buyer or the seller, etc.

Apartment buildings, project apartments: should see sample apartments before deciding; When buying, you should ask clearly: the front of the house (usually the balcony direction); should not buy a house near the elevator; private or shared balcony with other households; Soundproofing ability of the house? If buying an apartment under construction, when will the house be delivered? if the investor delivers the house behind schedule, what is the level of compensation for the buyer; In case the buyer pays late, what is the form of penalty; when the investor delivers the house but the customer compares the contract detailing the construction designs and finds out that it is not in accordance with the actual status of the house actually received, how to handle it; Ideally, the investor should be asked to have an appendix to the contract, which lists details of design, construction and the investors commitment to compensate when changes occur.

Before paying the deposit, it is necessary to carefully read and understand all the detailed terms in the contract to avoid future lawsuits or disputes (the deposit is only meaningful as a commitment to sell, Only when the two parties sign a contract to buy and sell the apartment after completing the construction of the whole house, will the legality be recognized).

Apartment building: in addition to valid house documents, has there been a pink book, which corridor or balcony is under common ownership, which part is privately owned (it should be clearly stated in the sale and purchase contract); whether there is a parking space or not, if there is a fee, how much is the fee/month…; how to maintain and maintain the building, pay quarterly or annually; the rate of collection of living fees (security protection, elevator... specifically monthly...; inquire about the situation of water, electricity, security; opening and closing time of entrance gate; fire protection system, exit door) dangerous…

Worth mentioning, the issue of real estate transactions and sales on the market is still mainly based on the agreement of the two parties. The two sides sometimes just "agree to buy and sell", balance and self-assess assets, so many people have lost billions of dollars, which is not uncommon.

Ignoring the appraisal stage will push the buyer or seller to bear more losses and risks in the transaction because they do not understand the current regulations on VAT and fees when transferring real estate.

When customers have a need to buy, sell, transfer or compensate, they should conduct real estate appraisal. Experts also recommend not to buy or sell a house in a hurry because it is easy to incur costs and risks in the transaction.

Valuation in real estate transactions plays a particularly important role as an independent third party to help buyers and sellers agree on the best transaction price and ensure fairness. , transparency, ensuring the interests of market participants.

What is the solution to avoid price risks in real estate trading?

There are many reliable appraisal addresses that customers can knock on such as Hoang Quan Appraisal. With 20 years in the field of valuation with an abundant data warehouse, a team of highly qualified and professional appraisers, a fast and rigorous appraisal process, minimizing appraisal costs... Besides, Accordingly, the SUNVALUE service of Hoang Quan Appraisal will provide customers with information about the value of the business with high reliability for each appraisal purpose.

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