Hoang Quan Appraisal Company Limited (HQA) would like to send to our valued customers and partners the national holiday schedule for September 2, 2021.

In order to facilitate our customers in contacting for advice or support on appraisal services, we would like to inform our customers and partners that the National Day 2/9 holiday schedule is as follows:

- Time off: Thursday (September 2, 2021) and Friday (September 3, 2021)

- Time to return to work: Monday, September 6, 2021

Currently, we are going through difficult and challenging days in the face of the 4th Covid-19 pandemic which is taking place very complicatedly. But everything will pass and good things are always waiting for us ahead.

HQA would like to wish all of our customers, partners & all employees a lot of health, a happy and meaningful holiday with family and loved ones.


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