Resource is a noun used to refer to all forms of material and knowledge used to create material wealth or create new use values ​​by people. Most of them are divided into areas such as:

• Natural resources: Land resources, water resources, forest resources, marine resources, mineral resources, wind resources...
• Social resources.
• Renewable resources, non-renewable resources.

Resource valuation is generally understood as the determination of the values ​​of natural resources such as: mineral resources, forest resources, quarry resources, gold ore mines, lead ore mines, tin mines, etc. energy resources… based on the valuation method and process according to Vietnams Valuation Standards or international practices.

The purpose of resource valuation:
Determining the value of natural resources helps stakeholders such as investors, governing units, state management agencies, insurance agencies, replacement agencies, etc. timely decisions regarding such resources:
• Buy, sell, transfer
• Equitization, attracting investment
• Capital contribution
• Mortgage loans
• Developing State management policies
• Support finding solutions.
• Other purposes
Resource pricing method
• Direct comparison/comparison method
• Discount cost method
• Investment method (traditional investment method/discounted cash flow technique)
• The residual method (or business analysis / hypothetical development method)
• Profit method and other methods...
Hoang Quan Appraisal is one of the pioneers in Vietnam to research and apply international methods of resource valuation. On that basis, with a team of experienced staff and with the participation of domestic and international experts, over the past time, we have conducted valuation of forest resources, mines, minerals... services for calling for investment capital of Vietnamese enterprises.
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