What is the appraisal of a solar power project?

Just like appraisal of other construction projects; Evaluation of a solar power project is the objective, scientific and comprehensive research and analysis of all the economic and technical contents of the project, in relation to the natural environment, socio-economic conditions. association to decide on investment and financing for the project.

This is a process of checking and evaluating the basic contents of the project independently, separate from the project drafting process. Project appraisal creates a solid basis for effective investment activities. The conclusions drawn from the appraisal process are the basis for units, establishments and competent state agencies to make investment decisions, to allow investment or to finance the project.

Why appraise the price of a solar power project?

A solar power project will be successful if the projects characteristics such as: scale, benefits, impacts, meaning... are recognized and evaluated by investors and project management units. right way. The above characteristics will be obtained after the project appraisal process objectively.

In addition, the valuation of solar power projects also aims to:

- Help investors choose the best investment plan;

- Help state management agencies assess the suitability of the project with the general development planning of the industry, the country in terms of objectives, scale and efficiency;

- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the project;

– Help sponsors decide whether to finance the project or not;

– Clearly define the legal status of the parties involved in the investment.

- Help the bidder see the scale and value of the project...

The best project appraisal unit

Indochina International Appraisal & Investment Company (INA) is a specialized unit in the field of valuation, construction project valuation…with many years of experience. We have valued many projects of solar power, thermal power, hydroelectric power... across the country.

In addition, SunValue service will provide customers with information about the value of the business with high reliability for each appraisal purpose, the services include:

  • Real Estate Appraisal – SunReal (Townhouses, land, factories, ...)
  • Movables Appraisal – SunMovables (Machinery and equipment, production lines, means of transport, ...)
  • Business appraisal – SunAsset (Purchase, joint venture, equitization, ...)
  • Investment Project Valuation – SunInvest
  • Resource Assessment – ​​SunResources
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