Appraisal of resources


INA International Corp is one of the pioneering units in Vietnam to study and apply international methods of resource valuation. On that basis, with a team of experienced staff and with the participation of national and international experts, over the past time Appraisal of INA International Corp Price has conducted valuation of forest, mine and mineral resources. products ... for the call for investment capital of Vietnamese enterprises.

Valuation of resources is to determine the values ​​of minerals, forests, mines ...

The purpose of resource valuation

  • Purchase, sale, transfer
  • Equitization and investment attraction
  • Capital contribution
  • Mortgage
  • The purpose of the state
  • Policy
  • Support finding solutions

Resource valuation method.

  • Direct comparison / comparison method
  • Method of cost reduction
  • Investment method (traditional investment method / discounted cash flow technique)
  • Surplus method (or hypothetical business / development analysis method)
  • Profit method and other methods ...

INA International Corp is the first unit in the valuation industry to be certified by BVQI (UK) for quality management ISO 9001: 2000. With the operation criteria "Independent - Science - Accurate - Comprehensive - Effective", INA is a trustworthy unit in the appraisal industry that will bring efficiency and success to partners and customers.

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