Following the flow of global integration, settling abroad has long been the goal of many people. One of the easiest and feasible options is to settle down by the way of studying abroad. In recent years, studying abroad has become a trend mainly because of the advantages and advantages it brings.

Why do you need to prove your finances when applying for a student visa?

Financial proof can be understood as the presentation of documents showing that you have enough financial capacity to carry out the purpose of studying abroad. In countries with developed economies, financial proof is a necessary requirement when you apply for a student visa in order to limit the situation of borrowing in the name of studying abroad to reside or work illegally.

In fact, the financial proof helps to establish trust between students and consulates about your and your familys economic ability. Strong enough economic potential means that the expenses for the whole study process will be fully provided. Then you can focus on studying instead of worrying about other problems. Financial proof is considered a guarantee, a commitment that you come to their country only for the purpose of serious study and not for any other reason or purpose.

Currently, there are some countries that do not require proof of finance (for example, Australia) but in fact you still need to present financial documents to the school for consideration, when the school considers that you have sufficient financial capacity and stability. then decide to accept or not to accept students.

Proof of income

Income proof records will show monthly, quarterly, and annual income of you or your parents, financial sponsor. This source of income can come from monthly salary, business profit, house/land rental, income from shares/shares or business capital contribution, income from agriculture - forestry - fishery... Income must come from lawful, stable activities. It is also an accumulation source to form savings books and other assets.
You must have documents explaining the source of your income or the people who will support you financially during the study abroad process. Thereby, it must show transparency, legitimacy and validity.

In addition, valuable assets such as houses, real estate, cars, etc. are also factors that make your profile more beautiful, increasing the success rate in proving finance. Although valuable assets may not be a source of funding for you to study abroad, they will help confirm your financial stability, stability, reliability, and your profile. more favorable throughput.

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